My News Sites

My News Sites

CNN has been around since 1987. It was and still is a reliable source in the Middle East. Being of Lebanese descendants, I grew up getting all the news from CNN since it was the only English-speaking News Channel in Lebanon. CNN has award winning journalists, whose reports reach millions of households around the world. They have a point of view, they are competent and surely trustworthy. 

ABC News began as a radio network and has really good people on their staff. Like all news networks, they have commentators whose job is to give their opinion. A s a spectator, I’ve learned to differentiate between facts and opinions and have realized that ABC News put in effort to be thorough and fair in delivering news. 

I find Twitter to be a reliable source of information because it is a platform that allows people to be heard. On twitter, you get to read what live witnesses have experienced, then read about what others have to say about it. Twitter is like a live broadcast with an edge; the edge of having all sides of the same story. 

Whenever I feel like taking a peak on the lives of celebrities, I turn on E! News. This show features news of celebrities. The E! News reporters back up their stories with pictures and sometimes live broadcasts to support their claims. E! News has been a reliable source of celebrity news and they continue to thrive as a show and reach millions of viewers in all of its versions. 

The New York Times is considered to be a reliable source of information in this world that I find filled with fake news and biased reports. The New York Times allows me to have less doubts about the journalists impartiality because it is privately owned. Despite the fact that our world is now led by internet technology, The New York Times is still booming in this tough industry thanks to the readers’ faith in their credibility. 
