Eight Values of Free Expression

         "Participation in Self-Government"

When it comes to the first amendment, there are eight values of free expression. These values guarantee that free expression is applied towards the government and the country itself.  These values allow individuals to express themselves in ways where they can be heard.

While I think all eight values of free expression are important and play an important role, I believe the most vital one is the "Participation in Self-Government." This value states that citizens will be able to voice their opinions and thoughts throughout elections if candidates are not able to communicate their political position properly. This value encourages citizens that they should play a role in the public decision-making. One of the main reasons that this value is important is because it is unlike any other value around the world. This value keeps the United States of America so innovative. The freedom of speech is essential to ensure a involved electorate to run the country the way we believe is the right way. Not only do the citizens make this country better by participating in self-government, but also by ensuring the right person to represent our country. Lately, the state is not competent or as experienced enough to make decisions about the individual itself, which is why I believe that individuals participating will surely bring in a new perspective to the decision-making, which is always a crucial factor.

Nowadays, it is important to be able to express oneself. "Participation in Self-Government" allows you to do just that, while shaping and improving the countries decision-making. It is an important value that stands out from the rest of the values and the rest of the world. 


This is a link that will further elaborate on what the founders meant by Self-Governance. 
