Final Reflection

Final Reflection

This course sparked my interest in current events, as well as helped me improve upon my reading comprehension and writing. As this course comes to a close, I know I will continue to stay updated on the news and remain passionate about being an knowledgeable and responsible citizen of the world. 

Beyond this, I have really enjoyed creating a blog and learning all of the skills required to do so. While I still have much to learn, I feel as though blogging creates an impactful place of self expression. 

This class has showed me the effect of media on our lives.  It is hard to be an informed citizen, as so much of our news sources are biased and filtrated. It is also hard to turn off all of the noise created by social media and just truly be present in the current moment. Our generation has a completely different definition of privacy, and it is a concept so hard to execute in our lives today. It is honestly a double-edge sword. If we disconnect, we miss out on so many important things - whether that be a getting informed of a breaking news story or becoming excluded from our friends and a social life. However, constantly being connected creates SO many challenges as well. We fall victim to comparison and our spirits grow tired. 

The greatest thing I will take from this class is a desire and a need for truth. Truth is becoming a rarity these days... we see this through our formerly reliable and trustworthy news sources, but more than anything, we see truth fabricated and destroyed every day on social media. We either see or participate in over-edited or photoshopped photos on social media, and we have an entire influence career dependent on selling the superficial. In modern society, truth is so hard to find. However, I believe that truth starts at the heart of every individual. If we each commit to truth through both our written and spoken words... we can create a culture of truth.
