Online Presence

Online Presence 

When we think of online presence, we think of an individual existing through social media platforms. Their information can be found online. However, do we truly think of how harmful ones online presence can be? One doesn't have to be active to have an online presence. Just because you aren't an active member doesn't mean it isn't easy to find you or information about you online.

When someone visits your page and briefly skims over it, they can figure out your name, date of birth, possibly your address, and sometimes even your number. This proves that your information is easily shown to the public whether you want to or not. People are on all sorts of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and on and so forth. By visiting all these websites, you can find out more than necessary about someone. Some websites even create a digital dossier about you without you even knowing. This is an invasion of privacy especially when you google yourself and find your pictures online for the whole world to see. After finding out this news, many people decide to quit social media and delete all their accounts. Some even set their accounts from public to private.

This is a link of a story of a 14 year old girl who quit social media.

This story proves that even young children have a say in what should or should not be public information about themselves.

One should always stay aware of their own online presence because once something is on the internet, then it stays there forever. Even if you no end up deleting something it will always somehow, somewhere find a way to still show up. This can be risky for future colleges and future job positions. The fact that something about you is online for the world to see does more damage than one might think.
