Poverty in Venezuela

 Poverty in Venezuela

The ongoing crisis in Venezuela continues to worsen by the second. The inflation rate is one of the highest around the world. This is one of many reasons as to why around 3 million people have fled their beloved country. 

Venezuela suffers from widespread poverty. This is continuously proven to be a major issue due to the food shortages and economic crisis in Caracas. Poverty is affecting so many individuals on a daily basis in Venezuela. This affects their mental, physical and emotional health. Many have stated to have two or fewer meals a day. When we actually take the time to realize that there are some people out there who don't have access to food, and who have so little as one meal a day, this is staggering news. Three-quarters of the population have endorsed that they have seen a decrease in their weight over the years. This prevents Venezuelans individuals the right to have a reliable access to a healthy active life.

In 2016, President Maduro has increased minimum wage by 40 percent. This means that individuals receive an average of $67 each month. This is not enough to live on individually, let alone support a family.  An example that supports this is a simple one. As of 2016, a dozen eggs at the supermarket cost $150. This has prompted various protests almost every day. No one deserves to live like this. The fact that humans need to protest for the right to have food is simply wrong. 

Nowadays, Venezuela's situation has reached the attention of the world. People have advocated and show the constant support they have for this Southern American country through many ways. One of them being social media where teens and adults tweet the hashtag #SOSVenezuela. This ensures that the Venezuelans are not being forgotten of the ways they are suffering under Maduros rule. 
