

                                                                     Do we really have privacy nowadays? 

I believe this is an important question you need to ask yourself. In todays world, anyone can find the information about you with just a few simple clicks. Boom. Just like that. People are aware of your cell phone number, where you live, where you study, and much more. Personally, while all those statements are concerning, I feel very on edge with the fact that anyone has access to my pictures. Not only is this concerning, but it is also scary to know that - literally - anyone has access to your personal information. The world is already a scary place, we don't need more reasons to be scared for only being active on social media. 

I don't think people realize the real harm that social media can have on a person. Many of them have absolutely no idea that anyone can find your personal information. This is made highly accessible through social media in general. Many apps and websites out there definitely play a role in this as well. I recently typed my full name on Google. It frightened me to find my photo accessible for thousands of people all over the world to see. 


Our cell phone apps can access our locations, read our text messages and track our cell phones. They are able to request and ask for permission to access our location. While you may not think much of this, sometimes this data can be taken and stored at the company of the app builder. Slowly, slowly more of your information is out for the entire world to see. 

Personally, this makes me on edge. Privacy is important. I feel nervous the more I use social media nowadays and it truly makes me want to deactivate almost all my social media accounts. However, I believe it is too late now since my online presence and my information is already out there. I am definitely more aware and more careful when using social media apps and websites. I think it is important for everyone to know and be aware of these types of things, especially if it is something as big as having your privacy be invaded. 

This is an article where that states the ways Facebook has been invading your privacy.
