The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court 

During our last class, we watched a 25 minute video about the Supreme Court. It plays a special role when it comes to our country's government. It was very eye-opening to me since there were certain things I was never aware of. 

There are three levels of the court system. They include the District Court, the Appellate Court and the Supreme Court, which serves as the main court. The Supreme Court receives various cases each year. They determine whether or not they want these cases to go through. This is a long process that takes place behind private doors. Some try and convince them with a written argument that a lower court ruling is incorrect. The legitimacy lies with the constitution, but the power remains with the faith of our people. Each justice is assisted with a small staff of law clerks and secretaries to meet weekly to discuss these cases and surprisingly very few cases actually go through to trial. When cases arrive, the trial court considers legal questions like...

"Is the law constitutional?"

Made of Marble

When to comes to any type of case, they are responsible to the law and the constitution. The constitution has changed from what it originally meant. They all have the same objective. This allows them to work together and be respectful towards one another to be able to reach this objective. 
